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Thursday, September 18, 2008

10 Uncommon And Unusual Free Product Bonuses


10 Uncommon And Unusual Free Product Bonuses

1. Offline Directory - Create an online directory of
offline resources. You could include names, phone
numbers, addresses, etc.

2. eBook Of Reviews - Publish an ebook of stuff
that's related to your target audience that you could
review like products, web sites, movies, etc.

3. Round Table Chat - You could schedule a group
chat of people your customers would want to meet
and talk to on the internet.

4. Intelligence E-mail Alerts - Allow your customers
to sign up to an e-mail alert list. You can alert them
when you find out news that could affect their life.

5. Statistics eReport - You could compile a report
of different statistics that's related to their purchase.
It could be surveys, tests, special studies, etc.

6. Personal Notes eFile - Collect notes that you've
taken about your industry and compile them into a
downloadable file.

7. Profile eBook - Publish a profile ebook or report
of people your target audience are interested in. You
can list their birthdays, interests, age, hobbies, etc.

8. E-mail Lessons - Teach a class via e-mail about
a subject your customers want to learn. E-mail them
study materials, worksheets, assignments, etc.

9. Sample Of Another Product - Give customers a
free sample of another product as a bonus. It could
be a basic version, excerpt, limited service, etc.

10. To Do List Or Instructions - Publish a list of
instructions or things to do in order to accomplish
a goal your customers would want to complete.

10 Ways To Generate Highly Read Article Ideas

10 Ways To Generate Highly Read Article Ideas

1. Participate in chat rooms related to your targeted
audience. Watch what questions people are asking
and ask others what information they're interested in.

2. Examine what information in being broadcast on
tv, news and talk shows. That information is usually
hot topics.

3. Hang out in similar message boards. People leave
questions for information they're seeking. That is a
strong indicator of subjects to write about.

4. Survey your web site visitors or current customers.
Ask them what type of articles they would like to see
published on your web site or in your e-zine.

5. Regularly check your site's guest books. People
sometimes leave questions or comments that would
help you generate high readership articles.

6. Check online bookstore's best sellers list. They're
very good resources for finding winning topics and
ideas to write about.

7. Use the time of year to come up with good topics.
You could relate your content to the holiday, season,
things that happen years ago during that time, etc.

8. Join some related e-mail discussion lists. Explore
the question being asked and the subjects people are

9. Relate your article to a current fad that's going
on in your specific industry. The topic is usually
interesting to your target audience.

10. Make a file of visitor or customer questions you
receive via e-mail or phone. Usually, others have the
same questions, but never ask.

10 Ways To Profit In An Uncertain Economy

10 Ways To Profit In An Uncertain Economy

1. Sell more back end products to your existing
customer base. You already created rapport, trust
and proved your credibility to them.

2. Make it a practice to up sell to new and existing
customers. After they decide to buy one product,
offer them another product.

3. Cross promote your products and services with
other businesses that aren't competition. You will
reach a wider audience at less cost.

4. Create joint venture deals with other businesses.
You can expand your product line and target other
profitable markets at a lower cost.

5. Start an affiliate program for your business. You
will be able to spend less profits on risk advertising
and spend more money on guaranteed sales.

6. Trade advertising with other businesses to save
revenue. You could trade e-zine ads, banners ads,
links, print ads, etc.

7. Out source part of your workload. This can save
on employee costs, equipment costs, taxation costs,
expansion costs, etc.

8. Add low cost bonuses to your offer that have a
high perceived value. It could be ebooks, members
only sites, consulting, e-reports, etc.

9. Use viral marketing to promote your business on
the internet. Give away free stuff with your ad copy
include on it so others can give it away.

10. Follow up with all your prospects. You can use
a free e-zine, a follow-up autoresponder, an update
or reminder list, etc.

10 Important Things To Tell Your Prospects

10 Important Things To Tell Your Prospects

1. Tell your prospects that you offer free delivery.
This may cost a little money, but, you will gain the
extra customers to make up for it.

2. Tell your prospects that you offer a lower price.
If you can't afford to offer a lower price you could
always hold the occasional discount sale.

3. Tell your prospects that your product achieves
results faster. People are becoming more and more
impatient and want results fast.

4. Tell your prospects you've been in business for
a longer period of time. People think if you've been
in business longer you have more credibility.

5. Tell your prospects that your product tastes,
smells sounds, looks, or feels better. When you
target the senses you're triggering human appeal.

6. Tell your prospects your product is compact or
light. People may want to take the product on a trip
or don't have much room where they live.

7. Tell your prospects that your product lasts longer.
People don't like to spend more money purchasing
replacement products all the time.

8. Tell your prospects that your product is easy to
use. People don't want to buy a product that they
have to read a 100 page instruction manual.

9. Tell your prospects that your product has better
safety features. People want to feel safe when they
use your products.

10. Tell your prospects that you stand behind all
your products. People want to know that you back-
up any claims you make about your product.

10 Ways To Gain Your Prospects Attention

10 Ways To Gain Your Prospects Attention 
Using Your Picture Alone

1. Use a uncommon hair style. You could style your
hair to stand straight up like you're scared or use a
wig to wear a mohawk or huge fuzzy hair.

2. Color your hair a bright color. You could color it
pink, blue, purple, green, etc. You could even make
it match your web site's colors.

3. Draw a lines on your picture. You could draw a black
eye or mustache on it before you scan and upload it
to your web site.

4. Put on silly glasses. You could put on spring like
glasses, oversized colorful glasses, spinning glasses,
or even 3D glasses.

5. Wear uncommon clothes. You could wear a super
bright suit, a costume outfit, a weird tie or a bathing

6. Make a weird facial expression. You could stick
your tongue out, push your face together, make your
eyes big, look like you're angry, etc.

7. Wear an unrelated hat. You could wear a cowboy
hat, a bowl on your head, straw hat, a sports helmet,
a rain hat, etc.

8. Paint your face. You could paint your own ideal
character or paint a typical character like a clown,
animal, plant, etc.

9. Wear a mask. You could buy one or make one
out of a paper bag. Just cut the nose, mouth and
eyes out. You could also add other facial features.

10. Use an uncommon background. You could use
an outside background, a funny wallpaper, a prop to
look like you have a cartoon body, etc.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

10 Reasons Why People Won't Buy

10 Reasons Why People Won't Buy
A Second Product From You

1. You didn't follow up after the first sale. After the
sale you could have introduced your other product
on the thank e-mail.

2. You didn't ship the product in the about of time
you stated. If they needed it in a hurry and you
didn't provide, they won't rely on you again.

3. Your product didn't do as promised. If your
product didn't accomplish their desired goal they're
not going to think your second product will either.

4. Your customer couldn't get a hold of you in time
when they had a "after question" sale. You could
have added extra lines of communication.

5. Your customer doesn't want to revisit your web
site because it didn't offer much. You could have
offered more original content or freebies.

6. Your competition is offering free shipping with
their product. You should have been more aware
of how they are targeting your customers.

7. Your customer forgot your web site address.
You should have given your customers your web
site information in your product package.

8. Your customer service couldn't solve a problem
they had with your product. Your customer service
should be trained to handle most problems.

You didn't up-sell when they were already in the
buying mood. You can always try to sell your other
product when they're ready to buy your first one.

10. Your competition offers a stronger money back
guarantee. You must always be thinking of better
ways to remove the risk from your customers.

10 Killer Ways To Make Your Ad Sell

10 Killer Ways To Make Your Ad Sell

1. Use plenty of examples in your ad copy. This will
allow your whole target audience to understand your
pitch completely.

2. Gain extra credibility by using terms your readers
may not understand, but can follow by explaining them
in simple terms. This will show you're an expert.

3. Reveal how excited you are about the product. You
could use words or a picture of yourself looking very

4. Tell your target audience you were in their current
position. Next, tell them how your product pulled you
out of that position.

5. Challenge your readers at the end of your ad.
Make a bet with them; if your product doesn't solve
their problem, offer them a free product in return.

Get your audience involved in your ad by asking
them questions. They'll automatically want to answer
the questions in their mind.

7. Introduce yourself in your ad copy. Haven't you
ever read an ad copy and wondered half way through it
who is selling the product? It's a big turn off.

8. Start your ad with a story. It draws people right
into your ad and they forget they're being sold to.
You could start with "Once upon a time..."

9. Use less than five points in your ad copy. If you
start revealing too many topics, your readers might
get confused and quit reading.

10. Make your target audience's experience reading
your ad positive. You could educate them or tell a
joke to make them laugh.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

10 Tips For Running A Profitable Web Site

1. Address your targeted audience on your business
site. Example: "Welcome Internet Marketers". If
you have more than one, address them all.

2. Make sure your content and graphics are relevant
to your web site's theme. You wouldn't want to use
a bird graphic on a business web site.

3. Alert visitors by email when you add new content
to your web site. This will remind people to revisit
your web site.

4. Offer a way for visitors to contact you on each
web page. List your email address, fax number and
phone number.

5. Give people the option of viewing your web site
offline. Offer it by autoresponder or printer friendly

6. Make sure a least 50% of your content is original.
The other option is to offer something else original
other than content, like software or an online utility.

7. Offer your visitors incentives for revisiting your
web site. You could give them new content, ebooks,
software, ezine, etc.

8. Publish a FAQs for your business, product and
web site. They could have questions about multiple
parts of your business.

9. Make sure all links on the navigational bar are
clickable. If people can't get to where they want to
go, they will leave.

10. Organize you web site in logical and profitable
sequence. You don't want to give a freebie before they
learn about the product(s) you're selling.

10 Hypnotic-Like Sentences That Sell Like Crazy

Tell your readers what they are probably thinking,
feeling or doing as they read your ad copy. This
strategy will usually trigger their own subconscious
mind to bring out these feelings or actions.

You can add these sentences into any ad copy. You
may have to change one or two words so it relates
more to the product or service you're selling.

Use Online Diaries Instead Of Testimonials

Have your customers publish an online diary instead
of giving you a testimonial. The diary would include
regularly updated entries
of how customers are using
your product to improve their life. You could give
customers a free product or a rebate in exchange for
them publishing it online.

Your customers could write diary entries about goals
they have reached using your product, the positive
emotions it's given them, the fears and worries your
product has taken out of their lives, how bad their
lives were before they bought it, how it has helped
other people in their lives, etc.

Your customers could update it daily, weekly or
. It will depend on how often they use your
product. You could publish the diary right in your
ad or link directly to the diary. You could provide
the people with web space for writing the online
diary or have them e-mail you the diary entries for
you to publish.

You can make the online diary extra persuasive by
also including customer's personal profile, pictures,
online video of them using your product, net audio
of them talking about your product, even scanned
handwritten letters, etc.

An online diary would likely outsell the common
testimonial because it's updated on a regular basis
and reveals more personal information. A diary is
considered private which would make people more
curious to read it and believe it's legitimacy.

10 Rarely Used Bonuses That Can Triple Sales

1. Announcement Alerts - Give customers e-mail
alerts about critical information or product releases
before your non customers find out about it.

2. Discounts - Allow your customers to get lower
prices on your products and other related products
other businesses sell.

3. Expert Call Ins -
Set up a date and time when
your customers can call up and talk directly with
experts that are related to your industry.

4. Private Invitations -
Give your customers private
invitations to customer events that non customers
cannot attend.

5. Online Rolodex -
Compile a list of web sites or
online contacts that are related to the product. You
could publish it on CD-ROM or on the web.

6. Archived Information -
Bundle together some
older information that's no longer available. It could
be e-zine back issues, articles, transcripts, etc.

7. Mentor Program -
Give your customers unlimited
consulting with their purchase. Allow them to
contact you by e-mail, phone, fax, in person, etc.

8. Audio/Video E-zine -
Give customers an upgraded
version of your e-zine in online audio or video format.
Non-paying customers could only get it in e-mail.

9. Freebie Announce Board -
Offer your customers
a message board were they can announce freebies
they offer from their web site.

10. Barter Discussion List -
Offer your customers
the option of joining a barter email discussion list.
They can barter goods and services with others.

10 Hypnotic-Like Sentences That Sell Like Crazy

10 Hypnotic-Like Sentences That Sell Like Crazy

Tell your readers what they are probably thinking,
feeling or doing as they read your ad copy. This
strategy will usually trigger their own subconscious
mind to bring out these feelings or actions.

You can add these sentences into any ad copy. You
may have to change one or two words so it relates
more to the product or service you're selling.

1. As you keep reading this ad copy, you are feeling
more and more compelled to experience all the
benefits of our product.

2. The more you understand just how valuable our
product could be to your life, the less you think
about delaying this important purchase.

3. After you read this short ad you will feel like your
problems are almost completely solved, all you will
have to do is order.

4. As you're skimming through this, you're beginning
to think you have nothing to lose and everything to
gain by trying out our product.

5. As you're scanning over this ad copy, you are
beginning to imagine using our product and enjoying
all the benefits it brings.

6. The more you keep reading our ad the more you
feel it would be a waste to let this opportunity slip

7. The more you review our ad the more you begin
to find yourself getting very excited about our
product and starting to feel the urge to buy now.

8. You don't know it yet but, at the conclusion of
this ad, you will feel driven to order and experience
all the benefits of our product.

9. You don't realize it yet but, in a few short minutes
you'll realize that you can't put off this vital purchase
and then you'll be yanking out your credit card.

As every word you read travels from this ad to
your brain, you start to understand just how much
our product could benefit your life.